Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wahoo....She's 2

My little gal turned two today............on mother's day! If you ask her how old she is, she'll say "one" and hold up her whole hand! We celebrated it last night! We bbq-ed at a park and had family and friends there! It was a blast! Savanna wanted to swing the entire time! We had to get her distracted to do other things with the other kids. Mo took her and some others down the slide doing a train! It was quite the site to see........I made cupcakes in the shape of Blue from Blue's Clues, 'cuz she loves it! Poor Gracie was not having as much fun! She has like all of her front teeth coming in on top! Plus, she had a fever, which has lasted all night and all today and now savanna has a fever...we went to instacare, but the wait was two hours so opted to come back 'cuz the gals were exhausted and needed to sleep so we'll see how it pans out! Their cousin had strep that they were around(didn't know he had it either), so we'll see if that is what's going on! Today, for savanna's real b-day and mother's day, she and I had waffles in our bed and watched one of her movies! It was so fun! I am sitting here just in awe that she's two! I can't believe how much she has grown from a baby to a little girl! I love her so much and don't know what life would be like with out her........even when we butt heads :) She's amazing! She loves:

-Her little sister! They share a room and jabber back-n-forth all the time! I wake up to the sounds of them giggling with excitement in the morning(even when its 6-6:30 can you be mad at that)...She is always trying to steal away some food and feed it to Gracie(which sometimes it's okay, but then it's also nerve racking when she tries to do big things)...She has to come with me to get gracie. If we get ready to go somewhere, she's the first to remind me that we need Gracie to come! She kisses and says "come ere" to her when she cries! She'll share sometimes,but not all the time! She loves to say,"Hi Gracie"

-To help mom and dad out! She will throw her diapers away, she'll help sweep and hold the dust pan. She loves to help out with the laundry, I try to put it away, but it always ends up back in the hamper..hmmmm... She brings Gracie her bottle and will hold it there for her.

-People! She loves her cousins and her aunts and uncles and talks about them! She loves all of her Grandparents..we have pics of them that she'll kiss goodnight and can name them(but won't everytime). She is so giddy to have people over to play with.

-Signing! She is very good at it! It's something that I enjoy doing with her and actually it has helped her learn words.

-Mommy's(or should I say "money" 'cuz that is what she calls me") shoes and head bands. She'll come out in my high heels with a headband on and I'll say pretty, and she'll brush her hair and put on this cute smile like she knows! I love it when she'll come out and say "pwitty".
-Animals...especially our neighbors dog...if I mention to go outside and play, she automatically says"Doggy" or "Hartlee"........then we have to go and see him! She loves birds and cows and horses and pigs! She loves this stuffed animal Kangaroo that she has to sleep with every night and at nap time!
-Learning. She loves the alphabet and loves numbers and I'm starting to introduce them in sign language! She loves singing songs and it's so fun to hear her just belting it out(Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, or twinkle twinkle)...and man is she a dancer. She'll rock out when she eating!

-Being goofy! When daddy comes home its' party time! We'll chase her, play peekaboo, race on her little car, tickle...she's an amaziing tickler to us!

-Jesus! SHe knows who he is and knows Him in pictures! I love this!

I could go on forever! I'm just so excited she's in our family and am looking forward to all the fun things we'll encounter together this upcoming year! Happy Birthday Savanna! WE love you! Thanks to all who are and have been apart of Savanna's life!


Kristen said...

Happy Birthday to Savannah! I can't believe she's 2 either. Or Kate for that matter. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were neighbors in Provo just new pregnant with our little girls?! Where does the time go?

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

Savannah is so cute! I love that picture of her in the glasses!! hehe :)

Happy belated bday Savannah!

Brooke said...

She's so cute! 2 is a fun age!

Erika Tebbs said...

Way cute little fam! Looks like a fun day!

Morgan said...

How fun that she turned 2! She is seriously looking more and more like you! What a pretty gal!

Jess said...

Wow! Happy Birthday Savannah! What a cutie! I didn't realize that your girls were that close in age. You guys are crazy!!! Just kidding:)

Tammy K said...

um...We're not old enough for you to have a 2 year old...CRAZY!

Recovery Guru said...

Happy Birthday sweet little Savannah! I love all the pictures she is such a doll! The funny thing about when you were describing her is that she sounds so much like Sydney! Our kids really need to be friends because they are so much a like, sometime we need to meet up at the park or something and see how they get along!

*Karleena* said...

I found your blog off of Aliese's! What beautiful little girls you have!! It's been awhile since I've seen them. Happy Birthday to Savannah! You have a way cute little family and I've enjoyed seeing all the pictures! :o)