Thursday, November 29, 2007

Play date outing!

My sis. and her two kids (Lucas 20 1/2 mo. and Kate 5 1/2 mo.) are in town, so we decided to go to the park this week. Well, the day we decided was on the colder side, so we all decided to go to Fiesta Fun Center's soft children's play area............the best thing in the world! It was free 'cuz Savanna and Lucas are so young and they were entertained the entire time and got their wiggles out. Our mom came along and helped out with Kate and Gracie. It was so much fun!

My tired Gracie Poo!

Gracie has been my baby that would wake up at the littlest noise(a pin dropping I swear) I was beyond surprise at her........she was just chillin' in Daddy's arms and soon we discovered her like this.....konked out! She stayed like that for a long time with tons and tons of noise around her! She looked so adorable, so I had to take the pics!

Look alikes!

Grandpa Dennis found the cutest coat at Old Navy for Savanna... and the coolest part about it is that I have a very similar coat. Now when we wear the coat together, we'll be the talk of the town :).... She loves her coat! Every time she sees it, we have to put it on! She smiles so big when it's on like she knows she pretty........and of course, she is!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hangin' w/ my Grandpa Dennis

Last week, Grandpa Dennis came to visit for the whole week.........which meant, spoil Savanna and Gracie like crazy! He knew how to get to Savanna's heart: Teddy bears, yummy food(especially fruit smoothies from Starbucks), and going on walks outside! Thank you Grandpa Dennis for coming to visit and all you do for us!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a wonderful day to be surrounded by family and friends and to be reminded about how lucky we are! We had so much fun! All of my family was here(well, except jeffy who is on a mish and almost done.......march he's done!) and mo's dad came for the week which has been a blast! We had a very scrumptious meal and laughed about good 'ol times!(this is where the good stories about each other comes rolling out!!) I'm so so so so thankful for my family and for mo's family! They love us and support us always! I'm grateful for all the things we have and have been given, for we wouldn't be where we are with out the generosity and service others have given us! I love life, the gospel, my family and my savior! I hope I can give back as much as others have for me!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Daddy's Birthday!

It was Mo's B-day on the 21st. It was fun! Us gals got up real early and went to decorate Daddy's classroom(where he teaches in the mornin'). Everything went wrong, couldn't find the keys, couldn't get the garage door open and trying to be fast with two lil girls! But finally we were on the road. We got there and put all kinds of balloons around(over the hill, it's not the's the attitude, i demand a recount) around the room. We then put happy birthday Bro. McDuffie on the board and left the present the girls helped make: a frame that says, "my girls" with Savanna and Gracie's hand prints and a picture of them together. Sooooooooooo stinkin' cute! He went shopping with his dad later and got some clothes that, in my opinion, make mo pretty good lookin'! We went to dinner and then met up with my fam. to sing happy birthday....twice 'cuz my sis.'s hubby has the same b-day! We love MO and hope it was a good birthday!


I was just curious if I could and I did! I was able to get to cute braids in Savanna's hair! Yeah baby! They are teeny, but hey, they are quite cute............don't you agree?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Baby Einstein

I needed to take a shower the other day and Gracie wanted attention, so I put her in the exersaucer, put blankets around her, and put her in front of Baby Mozart, and she was content for the 27 min. Thank goodness! I didn't want to listen to her cry! She found her thumb and ended up falling a asleep, apparently with the thumb in her mouth, 'cuz it looks like it was in position when it slowly fell out!

Not two bad!

So, Saturday night, we attempted something that I was a little bit leerie about.....we went out to dinner with my family. It was our first time with both little girls there...I was worried 'cuz I know the attention span of my Savanna and how Gracie loves to be constantly held. But, it was alot better than I thought. Savanna was all over the place, but for the most part, pretty good as long as Mo kept her busy. Gracie was amazing. She just sat there, entertained by all around her. The funny thing was that we went to Samurai 21 and they seated us with the highchair on one side('cuz of the corner) and the baby seat in the other corner. We divided and we conquered(I think I had the easier job........sorry mo). The only draw back, which was pretty hilllarious, is that we had to yell to each other to communicate of what was needed for both girls. We really are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007


Hello everyone! Yes, I finally was taught the blog gibberish by good 'ol Kristen. So, it's a working progress, but hey, I'm here. Not a whole lot has been going on since we are all sick this week and grumpy :( So, I thought I'd introduce my girlies.....
Savanna is my oldest. She is 17 mo. but turns 18 mo. (and finally legal for nursery) on the 11th of Nov. She is very fun and full of energy, but definitely has a stubborn/determined side. She loves her little sis., loves playing outside(as soon as she hears that door open.....bam! She's bolting for it), and loves movies(she gets that from her mom). She loves the park and is fearless on the jungle gym, which makes me nervous!
Gracie, our newest arrival, is almost 3 mo. old(yippee). She is finally sleeping longer than 4 hours and getting onto more of a schedule! She is giggling, smiling, and loves to be talked to. She also loves to be held which is hard when you have another to follow after and want to get other things done(which is the reason why my house is a nightmare). She just recently discovered her thumb. I'm not sure I really wanted that,but I have to admit, it's so darn cute! We're doing great, just a little crazy around the edges. What can I say, I love my gals!