Well, it happened! Our Joshua Dennis McDuffie arrived on Monday, Feb. 2nd, 2009! I started having contractions, intense, Sunday night, but they were like 25 min. apart, so I didn't think anything of it(meaning, not trying to get my hopes up)......so we went to bed and i woke up around 2-2:30 with contractions that went from 20 to 15 to 5 to under 2 min. apart and they were intense! I've never had them this intense before like this! Just to be sure, we stayed at home for an hour then headed to the hospital at 4-4:30 am. They admitted me right away 'cuz I was almost a five........then 45 min. later a 7........with how fast I was going I figured I'd just keep going natural........hahahahaha! My doctor broke my water at an 8 and the contractions were so intense, but I figured I was too late to get that glorious epidural! But, I was at an 8 for two hours...his head was turned a certain way so he wasn't hitting the cervix to help dilate.......so they decided to put me on the pit.! Yeah, let's just say, I couldn't handle the pain anymore, so got that epidural, just in time to take the edge off the pain! I now look up to those that do it o-natural! He cam at 9:17 am. He was 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 20 in. long! He is so beautiful! He has a little bit of hair! I knew I'd love him, but never knew it would feel like this! It was such a neat feeling when I saw him for the first time. He had no problem screaming, which both of our girls had to be taken from me to be suctioned out a couple of times! He is so precious and knows his sisters voices. They love him, and savanna is already mommy's big helper. Gracie loves him, but is kinda funny. She acts a little more defiant and seems a little mad at me......since she is a momma's girl to the 'T'........but we'll get through it! I was nervous to do this alone without my mom! \Yoou know it has been hard, and no one, no one can take the place of a mommy........it has been such a neat growing experience for me and my family! The ward has reached out and taken me under their wings. I can't tellyou how many ladies have come and taken the gals, so I could rest.....or those that have made meals so we aren't always eaating cereal 'cuz of how sick and especially how much pain I've been in this last like 5 weeks! They have loved us and have showed us that true happiness is found through serving others, even when you have your own problems! It has brought me closer to my sisters and brothers as we have had to lean on each other. I am truly blessed! THanks to all who have reached out to us and others!
Oh my gracious CONGRATS! Joshua is just darling as can be!
What a sweetie boy!! Your labor/delivery seems so fast to me...were your deliveries with your girls fast as well?
I hope you're recovering well and your adjustment goes smoothly! Congrats!!!!
Congrats!! I didn't realize you were due so soon... How fun to have a little boy, I'm sure your girls will just adore their little brother. Yay!!
wow, im with kristin...i didn't know that boy was coming so soon. congrats. hes adorable.
He is so adorable! Congratulations, Tiff! I bet Morgan is loving having a little boy in the house, even though he probably doesn't do much more than eat and sleep :) Love you guys!
Congrats! He is so beautiful! I'm glad everything went well!
You did it! I bet it feels great to have him here! He is so cute, I'm so happy for you.
I didnt know you were due so soon either! You're going to love having a boy.. they are so fun! Will you be taking a break from being pregnant for a while?? :)_
Yay! Congratulations. Can't wait to meet the little guy. If you need anything, let us know. Even though it sounds as though you guys are taken care of pretty well already. ;)
Congrats! He is beautiful! Glad to hear all is well with your cute little family!
Just want to add my congrats. Good luck adjusting to taking care of three kids!
Congrats! He is so tiny and cute! I am happy that everything went pretty smoothly and that now you have your precious little guy to love on!
Congrats to you and your beautiful family! He looks adorable and perfect.
congratulations morgan and tiffany!!! i'm so glad everything went well! love you both and your little boy looks adorable!
Congrats! Joshua is so cute! Do you call him Joshua or Josh? People always ask me that with Nathan. I call him Nathan, but his uncle and a few of his cousins call him Nate.
Congrats again! I'm glad your ward family and family has stepped up and helped so much! If you need anything for sure let me know!
Tifanny, congrats...he is a beautiful baby. I am happy for you guys. It is great that you got support from those around you...not everyone gets that. you were lucky they gave you the epideral, lets just say that natural is not the way to go...haha. Once again, congrats and he is way cute.
Congrats!! He is such a beautiful baby! I'm glad all went well.
Congratulations Tiff! I am so happy for your whole family. I am so glad you are being taken care of!
YEA!!! Congrats!!
oh YAY! we have been waiting for this post! CONGRATS!! He is absolutely adorable! I love that picture of him in the carseat...you really do forget how small they are! So cute! well, you made it--good luck with whatever comes next! Let us know if you need anything! I am so glad that your ward is there for you when your mom can't be. Nothing like Relief Society sisters to fill in the gap.
What a sweet little baby boy. Love the name and love the pictures. This totally makes me so so excited to have my baby now!!
I'm sooo excited for you guys! He is the cutest little guy, and I'm so happy you get to be a mommy again-and this time to a boy!! It's so exciting....you should definately let me take your girls for a couple hours so that you can enjoy your baby! You guys are such great parents! I'm excited for Morgan to have a little boy around! WOW you have the best of both worlds! I'll see you Friday....if you have anything you are really craving or wanting for dinner let me know-Congratulations-he is so handsome!
Congrats Tiffany! He is so cute!
Congrats Tiffany! He sure is cute. I'm glad to hear everything went well. That's fun he was born on Groundhogs Day. He and Katie have the same birthday.
Congratulations!!!! Man he's cute!
Congrats!! I can't believe you have your baby! I'm so excited for you! I'm glad delivery went well. He is so cute! Let me know if you need anything!
He is so beautiful!! Congratulations!!! What a lucky boy to be part of your wonderful family.
He is beautiful! Congrats!
hey tiffany, I deleted my old blog and need your e-mail again to get you added to my list of friends to invite. let me know. e-mail me at dmdskruts@gmail.com thanks
i am happy for u tiff. Send me a message and let me know how u are doing. your family knew me as jennifer green
He is such a cutie :) Congrats! You will have so much fun with him..
everyones already said it but CONGRATS! he's so aborable, and YOU Look Fantastic for just giving birth! way to go! how are the girls adjusting to another Baby and Boy in the house?!
Congratulations! He is absolutley precious! New babies are the most amazing miracles!
Congratulations Tiff, he is absolutely beautiful. And it will be so fun for you to have a little boy to help even out all that estrogen. :) I'm glad that everything went so well with the delivery. Enjoy him while he's little...we all know they don't stay that way long.
Congratulations on the new baby Tiffany! This is Braidy (Bundy) Davidson, and I have a quick question for you if it's not too much of a bother. I need your address to send you a thank you note for the gift you gave us for our wedding, and I don't have your address. Here is my email, and I would really appreciate it if you could email it to me. Thanks. braidybundy@yahoo.com.
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