It's been awhile and we are hecka busy, so I thought I would just take some time and give updates on our kids!

Savanna: This girl is a fireball! One minute she's an angel, the next minute she's throwing a fit 'cuz she's not getting her way(like yesterday at Chuckarama...we had an encore when we left). My favorite is when my back is turned and Gracie starts crying so I turn around and savanna is looking at me and hurries and gives Gracie a hug, smiling her cute innocent smile... little stinker! I can't fully get mad at her 'cuz I have no idea what happened! She likes to test buttons. I feel that I tell her no a lot, so I try to get creative on saying no, but not quite saying the word "no", 'cuz now she'll say, "no no no". SHe has such a sweet side. SHe loves to read, so she'll bring me a book and want me to read to her. There have been times where she'll read me her version of the story, and then say "Amen". She loves bubble baths and will spend forever in there with the bubbles. Everyday this girl will bring me her swimsuit and say, "Go swimmim? yay!!!" and throw her hands up in the air! SHe loves the water and swims on her own with arm floaties. She'll even go down my parent's slide all by herself if we'll catch her at the end. She loves being outside and loves to swing. She is such the helper too! I was picking out some dead flowers and raking the ground in our flower garden, and she was such the helper that she began to take out live flowers. I tried to save them, but that night when I went to check on them, they were scorched. She loves her sister and sharing a room with her. It's a party when we leave! She is in a big girl bed, which she has done well, but I must tell you this means all kinds of stuff in her bed when we check on them later. Gracie will end up with all kinds of blankets to keep her warm, courtesy of the big sis. She'll even tuck me in and kiss me goodnight when I'm laying on the couch or floor when their playing. She loves to talk and is obsessed with Backyardigans movies and Word world movies wehave..........which I'm in desperate need of a break! She is so into friends, that when they offer her to come and play, she doesn't think twice about leaving me and is beyond sad to come home. I don't know how I feel about that! All I know is that I gotta love this girl!

Gracie: She is a fireball in her own way. SHe has been more layed back, but man, she definitely has a side where she knows what she wants. SHe is walking and into everything. SHe started a week before her 11month mark. Has to keep up with the sis.! Now she thinks she can climb on everything! We started time out with her, but I dont know if it works, 'cuz she just sits there and smiles at us the whole time, or makes cute little faces we've taught her. I might have to come up with a diff. type of time out! She won't sit still for nothing. She loves loves loves walking! SHe loves outside, but I don't quite go out very much, 'cuz she'll stick everything in the mouth(yuck) SHe loves whole milk and loves our food! THis girl didn't let us give her baby food, oh no...............the only thing she has let me feed her with a spoon is yogurt. So, she's been on our food since 6months, just small pieces.........which saved us money so no complaints here. She's a momma girl and I think is going to have a rough time when the new baby comes! SAvanna was miss busy, but Gracie is one that likes me near and loves to give me cuddles! She is a sweetie, but I can never get a lot done! SHe loves to play the game where I tell her I'm going to get her and she starts to go faster( love to see babies try to go faster) and has this cute giggle! She always gives smiles and is so sweet!
New baby: Well, we heard the heartbeat last mon. It was really neat! I'm humbled and grateful for this first moment! OUr doc. had the ultrasound machine(an old one) in the office, so he let us go see, and the baby is so cute and small! Now which will it be? Will it where blue or pink?
I love my kiddos and they keep me very very busy!
Morgan McDuffie, this is Jeff Campbell. I came across this blog and I thought I would say hi and see how you are doing. I would love to hear from you.
They are so cute!! Your little Gracie looks so big!!
They really are cute! You know when they finally reach age three they mello so much and aren't the fireballs they used every day it gets better.
Looking forward to the big date on is going to be sooo much fun!
What a sweet post!! Your girls are adorable! We have so many of the same troubles! Not knowing if the older one made the younger one cry, finding different ways to say NO, climbing up on chairs, finding a "punishment" that works for a 1 year old, etc. Let me know if you find out any solutions to these problems! I could sure use 'em!
I love hearing about your girls. They seem like such a handful, but such a huge blessing at the same time. You must laugh every day of your life.
Your kids are so adorable, isn't it cool to see what distinct personalities they all have. It seems like this next generation of children have been born with such strong little spirits. This makes me so proud as a Mom but also a little bit worried that I will be able to teach them everything that they will need to know to live in this world.
Brejden was so excited to see "Van". I'm coming down next week on Tuesday and I'm going to stay until Saturday afternoon. I want to get together! I miss our play dates! I'm so sorry that you're sick! Let me know if you need anything. I know it can be really hard not having your Mom around to help, so I'm more then happy to give you a break if you need it. Let me know!
I'll call you next week when I'm down!
hey tiff! i am so glad you found my blog because now i get to see yours! you are so darling and you have the cutest little girls ever! i'm so glad to see your doing well and prego with your go girl! keep in touch!
Wow, what a lucky mom you are to have such wonderful girls! I'm so excited to hear more about baby #3! You guys are great! :)
Your girls are so cute! It is fuuny that when you take a picture of Savanna she always looks surprised! Quite a change from Payton! :) It is amazing what big personalities can be in such small little people.
Anyway, we love and miss you!
Denise, Nick, Nils, Chandler, Charlie
Wow... and then there were 3!
Congrats!!!! I had no idea you were pregnant!!! How are you feeling??? I cant believe that you are going to have 3 kids!!! How far apart are they going to be???? Good luck with everything!
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