Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well, halloween was fun! I wanted to post this earlier, but let's just say the "flu" got in the way! Yep! Love the Flu! Monday night, Savanna, MOrgan and Gracie all got hit with it, and I was up all night cleaning and recleaning floors, towels, blankets, and holding my poor girls! So far, I haven't gotten it. We are looking better, lots of disinfecting , lots of laundry and we are well on our way! I hope hope hope I don't get it! Back to Halloween... we had a monkey and a lion. Savanna loved to growl when we would ask her what a lion says. When we asked Gracie what a monkey says, it was definitely a growl too to be like her sister! It was cute! I made the head pieces and tails, so don't look too close. They kept trying to go in everyone's home! cracked us up!


Anonymous said...

Those are great costumes. I can't believe you made them!

Hansen's Fantastic Five! said...

Great job on the costumes they look great! and congrats on having a little boy! I feel the same way...although i only have one little girl the thought of ever having a boy kinda scares me! I don't know how to do up a boy either!!! And again i'm very impressed with the costumes... can't find quality like that in any store!

Megan said...

Those are such cute costumes!! You are amazing making the head pieces!

*Aliese* said...

Very cute costumes! Ugh with the flu though...That definitely doesn't sound fun at ALL! I hate being sick. I hope your cute family starts to feel better!

Shawna said...

What adorable kids! I love the are amazingly talented! I am so impressed! And I think it is sooo sad that everyone had the flu! I am glad everyone is feeling better and we'll pray you don't get it! Gracie is looking soo big! By the time baby comes she is going to look so old!

Jess said...

Oh man I hate the flu!

Cute, cute costumes!

Brandi Schall said...

Cute costumes, I'm impressed! Isn't it so much fun as they get older. Funny about trying to go into the houses.

Emma said...

I can't believe you made those, they look great! Way to go Tiff!

Morgan said...

CUTE!!! I love the lion costume especially.

Recovery Guru said...

I Love the costumes! They look like you bought them not made them. Sewing is one talent that I defiantly don't have and am always envious of others that do! We got the flu too! The day after Halloween Sydney and I were so SICK! I really hope that you stay healthy!

Lyndy Staheli said...

Looks like you guys had a good time. Glad to hear everyone is over the flu.

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

What awesome costumes! They are so cute.

Lori Cottam Zavoico said...

Tiffani they look adorable in their costumes! You did a great job:) Wish I had talent like that! Hope you all feel better soon..!

*Karleena* said...

I'm sorry to hear all you've gone through lately! How'd you manage to stay healthy? You must be seriously blessed!! You poor thing, though, having to clean up after 3 people with the flu - while being pregnant!

What adorable costumes!! Did you use a pattern to make their head pieces...or did you just come up with it on your own? They're WAY cute!! And I love how you had a growling lion AND monkey!! :o)

Tammy K said...

They look adorable!

The Hardman's said...

Tiff it's meg, found your blog on Tammy's, just wanted to say hi, your girls are adaorable, and that's so fun your having a boy, congrats! Both are so fun. Glad you're doing well!