Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lots to be thankful for!

well, this thanksgiving post was meant to happen quite awhile ago, but what can you do? LIfe keeps happening............can you get the flu twice.........and in the same month? Yep, you sure can! WE can attest to that as of this past week. It started Thanksgiving night, I was planning to go do the fun "Black Friday" fest, but woke up to Gracie crying. Normally, I let them cry back to sleep, but I felt to go check on her, so I did and there was vomit everywhere. So, Mo and I had our work cut out for us that night. She was in so much pain 'til sat. Then I started Sunday morning 'til mon. morning, Mo mon. morning (and he's still recovering) and then poor savanna started last night! It has been awful! Mo lost 11 lbs. in one day! ONe day! WE finally took him in and he got this shot and has slowly recovered since.............I have never seen someone in so much pain! He had no in between relief for well over 30 hours. I have never felt so sick and so exhausted and have shed so many tears in a long time. It has been so trying, but I have been so's amazing to realize how much you love your best friend and your children.......and how you find the strength to keep going for them. Thank goodness for a loving heavenly father, who allowed us all to get it at different moments so I could get grounded a little to take care of everyone! I am grateful for my family! This was our first thanksgiving doing our own thing and it turned out well! I had so much fun doing my own turkey! It was hard to not have my parents here,but life moves on and I wouldn't wish them anywhere else. Now, I just hope I can catch up on everything I have put off this week! Sorry no pics, I'm too tired to get them!


Jess said...

11 lbs in one day? Man, that's sounds bad!!! I'm glad you went to check on Gracie...I always wonder when I let my kids cry it out if they were throwing up...or sick...

*Aliese* said...

I love your optimism! I'm glad you're at least on the downhill side of the flu though.

Megan said...

I'm thankful you and your family are feeling better. Here is to no more sickness in the McDuffie house till next year (late late late next year!) :)

Tammy K said...

Bummer Tif! Sounds like you are quite the trooper!

Brandi Schall said...

That does not sound fun! Sadly I'm on my worst behavoir when caring for sick people, I have zero patience when I should have lots of compassion. I guess I'm by nature a mean person? ;) Glad your turkey and dinner turned out! I did my first one last year for Christmas and I was quite proud too! Hope everyone continues to feel better!

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

No fun! Your poor little family!! I hope everyone has recovered!

Shawna said...

YOu are amazing!! I don't know how you can be grateful about the flu twice in a row but you are amazing for your positive outlook. Hopefully things pass quickly and you are healthy for awhile!