Friday, September 12, 2008

You KNow you are sleep deprived when........

What really constitutes a sleep deprived person? Could it be when you have changed so many diapers in the morning, just the morning, and have been running around entertaining the gals, just to get them so tired and wrestle them into their room to take a nap so you have the bliss of time to yourself to I dunno take a nap.........only to wake up to the sounds of a crying angry go into their room to pick her up and find her beyond be thinking, "What the?" to feel around only to feel the soft little cheeks of a bare look around for the escaped diaper.........only to realize you had forgotten to put a diaper on the girl in the first place prior to the nap?! Or is that just a spacy prego mom?! Really , who does that (all fingers point to me) :)


*Aliese* said...

That's fabulously classic.

Jess said...

Okay...That is hilarious! I think you need more sleep!!!

Abby said...

oh tiff that is the funniest thing ever!!! I was laughing the whole time i was reading... you must be pregnant or something! hhaha. How are you feeling by the way? Gracie is looking so old! She is so cute!

Brandi Schall said...

Oh that made my afternoon! I love it. I cannot even imagine taking care of TWO kids while being pregnant--it really is hard to remember all those things. Good luck tomorrow on getting your gal into her diap!

Shawna said...

haha! done that! hope you got a little nap in!!

Brooke said...

Who needs a diaper anyway?!?!

Recovery Guru said...

Okay so I have done that before. but I wasn't pregnant at the time so what does that say about me? Luckily I was able to catch my mistake before everything ended up wet! So sorry about your prego brain! I want to say that I hope it gets better soon but we all know that the only thing that gets rid of it is actually having your baby!

Hansen's Fantastic Five! said...

Hey Tiffany...its been a long while. You look fantastic and your girls are adorable! Hope you are all doing well. I can't believe how fast time flys by.

sstar said...

Oh my! That's so unreal! Yikes! They say sleep deprivation makes your brain act the same as if you were drunk... And people do this on purpose? I will never get alcohol. It's hard enough to be sane as it is...

Jocee said...

Oh my gosh! I love it! It sounds like you could use some help. Please call me and I will come down for a day and take your girls so you can just sleep! Good luck with everything! Gracie is looking so grown up, I can't believe it!